
Android studio sdk location not updating
Android studio sdk location not updating

android studio sdk location not updating

Android R Cannot Be Resolved To A Variable.Integrating Android Facebook SDK 3.17.2 Tutorial.This class should be public (7.) Lint Error.Android : How to make TextView Scrollable.: You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity.

android studio sdk location not updating

  • Android Studio Ctrl Shift o auto import not working.
  • Parsing Data for android-21 failed unsupported major.minor version 51.0.
  • ADT quit unexpectedly error on Mac OSX Android Eclipse SDK.
  • Android Error Unexpected cast to Button: layout tag was FrameLayout.
  • Make changes to the path and Click Apply.
  • You can change the path of the SDK under Android SDK location : text filed.
  • You would now get a Pop-up window SDK Locations.
  • Now select Project Defaults from Configure Options.
  • Select Configure from the Quick Start Options.
  • Now you should be able to see the "Welcome to Android Studio" window with Recent Projects at the left and Quick Start options at the right.
  • Just close Android Project that is open in Android Studio.It would be better if you can close the IDE completely and restart it.
  • android studio sdk location not updating

    If you want to change this path to something else then follow the below steps, The default location for Android SDK in IntelliJ Android Studio IDE is something like /Users/code2care/Android/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20140702/sdk (on Mac OS X), it is the directory where the Android SDK is located when you install it, it is the location used for new projects and for existing projects that do not have a local.properties file with an SDK.dir property.

    Android studio sdk location not updating